
Swap your gifts for donations
on your special day!

By giving up your gifts and asking for donations is an easy way to make a difference and raise vital funds and awareness about neuromuscular conditions.

Our team can help make your celebration (wedding, birthday, anniversary, graduation day or any special day) more memorable by assisting you as you ask family and friends to support you with donations. 

Contact us to learn more!  Register here!

Celebration Ideas

Birthday Gifts

People are opting to make a lasting difference for their birthday by asking friends and family to donate to a charity on their behalf. Leaving everyone with the warm and fuzzies.

Wedding Gifts

Forget a wishing well. Ask your guests to donate to support the neuromuscular community We can help set up an online donation page for you, so you have one less thing to worry about on the big day!

In Memoriam

Celebrate the life of a loved one by donating in their memory to a cause that is close to your heart. This will make a huge impact in the lives of people living with neuromuscular condition.

Christmas Gifts

Give the gift of helping others this Christmas by giving up your gifts for donations to help support a child, an adult and their families living and affected by neuromuscular conditions,

The Macaulay’s Wedding

Natalie Macaulay is one of our members living with Muscular Dystrophy who generously decided to donate her wedding gifts to help other people in the Muscular Dystrophy Community. Natalie shared with us the story of her life, love and her big day. “My wedding day was truly magical, and I never imagined myself getting married! We got married at The Crown Plaza in Windsor inside their small intimate chapel. We were engaged for 3 years prior to the wedding, so everything was well organised and paid for in advance which left our special day stress free”.

See the Macaulay’s full wedding story here